European Chemicals Agency (ECHA)
Company Profile

The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) is the central agency to implement the EU’s chemicals legislation to protect people and the environment from the hazards of chemicals. It also contributes to a well-functioning internal market and the innovation and competitiveness of the European chemicals industry.


ECHA develops independent scientific and technical opinions and takes binding decisions to ensure that chemicals companies comply with European law. Its committees provide scientific advice to the European Commission, relating to hazards and risks of chemicals, their impact on society and ways to mitigate their risks. ECHA practices transparent decision-making and its independency policy is used to monitor and prevent any conflicts of interest.


The Agency hosts the largest database on chemicals in the world and uses this knowledge to advance the safe use of chemicals. The database is publicly available and free of charge, containing more than 245 000 chemicals. Companies, researchers, industry and consumers can benefit from this data as well as the software formats and tools to use it.


ECHA plays an important role in reducing chemical pollution in the EU. Together with EU Member States and the European Commission, ECHA ensures safer chemicals use in Europe by improving the available data, disseminating and checking it and proposing risk management measures when needed.


The Agency contributes to sustainability and circular economy. All materials and products are made of chemicals. Better knowledge and regulation of hazardous chemicals makes recycling easier, protects workers, consumers and the environment, and enables industry to innovate, improve product quality and replace hazardous substances with safer ones.


ECHA’s work has a global dimension. The Agency helps to make the import and export of dangerous chemicals more transparent and contributes to limiting the most hazardous pollutants worldwide. This work is part of the United Nations’ worldwide conventions that protect people and the environment from hazardous chemicals.

Our Products/Services
SCIP database
You can now access data from the EU’s first public database of substances of very high concern in products, SCIP. It aims to allow consumers to make more informed purchasing choices and help waste operators to further develop the re-use of articles and the recycling of materials.
EU Chemicals Legislation Finder
EU Chemicals Legislation Finder gives you an overview of the European Union’s legislation on chemicals. You can search for information on your substances, find applicable laws and check what obligations you may have. It covers 45 pieces of EU laws from chemicals and products to environment and health and safety. It will cover even more laws by 2021.
The European Union Observatory for Nanomaterials is the one-stop shop for information on nanomaterials, presented in an easily understandable way. Its goal is to increase the transparency of nanomaterials on the EU market by ensuring that all perspectives are taken into account. EUON is hosted and maintained by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA).
Booth Personnel
Julia Sierra
Communications Assistant
Tel: None